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Visitors 24
96 photos

These pictures (files and/or prints) are for sale, so if you think your parents or if you want to buy them you can. Help on how to do this is here.

Pictures that are bought will not have the black X and 'Unpaid Proof' notice on them and can be used on Facebook or in any other way except commercially. The black X and notice on the pictures just shows who has taken and who has bought the pictures.
Will FergusonRob GrayLis ShoshiSam FinleyNiels BunschotenSam Finley ShootingRob Gray DribblingLis Shoshi BlockingSam Finley GuardingHenry Wilson GuardingSam Finley ShootingRob Gray DribblingRob Gray GuardingHenry Wilson GuardingRob Gray DrivingRob Gray ShootingTravis Charles DribblingSam Finley DribblingSam Finley ShootingJeff Long Dribbling