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Visitors 11
20 photos

These pictures are from a supper at Shana and Allen's home on October 11, 2008.
Daisy With A BoneAllen At The GrillClyde, Allen and Tom In Living RoomAndrea, Maleah, Shana, Lloyd, Susan and Mindy In KitchenLloyd, Mindy, Brenda, Ty and Susan In KitchenTy, Lloyd, Mindy, Virginia, Shana and Brenda In KitchenMindy, Chris, Clyde, Jamie, Allen, Susan and Tom In Living RoomVirginia, Lloyd, Maleah, Andrea, Ty and BaillieBaillie Doing Jamie's Hair With Susan In The BackgroundMaleah, Andrea, Mindy, Brenda and Virginia At Kitchen TableMaleah, Andrea and Mindy In Dining Room With Andrea Holding A TissueBaillie Doing Jamie's HairBaillie Doing HairVirginiaLloydBaillie Doing Jamie's HairBaillie Doing Maleah's HairAndrea and Maleah at Shana's & Allen's HomeBrendaAndrea Laughing