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Visitors 78
95 photos

These photographs (files and/or prints) are for sale, so if you think your parents or if you want to buy them you can. Help on how to do this is here. And thanks to all of you who HAVE been buying these photographs. I appreciate it very much!

Photographs that are bought will not have the black X and 'Unpaid Proof' notice on them and can be used on Facebook or in any other way except commercially.
Team HuddleTeam IntroductionTeam At The NetTeam HuddleCoachesTeam HuddleTeam HuddleTeam HuddleErin Pollard HittingLeksey Yarbar HittingErin Pollard PassingErin Pollard PassingJulianna Rodriguez HittingErin Pollard PassingEmilie Smith SettingEmilie Smith SettingJulianna Rodriguez HittingKatie Wash, Stevi Ward And Erin PollardErin Pollard Hitting